Wednesday, December 23, 2015

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular Roku Winners!

 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular Roku Winners

1.      Katherine Fowler – Fort Worth, TX
2.      Monica Honeywell – Madras, OR
3.      Theresa Njoku – Seattle WA
4.      Cindy Weyh – Waubay, SD
5.      Tony Renouard – Seattle, WA
6.      Bobbi Rowles – Shippensburg, PA

Friday, December 18, 2015

Final Day....the Final Code

This is the final code, this is the last day!!!

We hope everyone had as much fun as we did with The 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular!!!

Do us a favor??? If you see any social media or blog posts asking how much you liked this giveaway, please give us feedback!! The more feedback we can get, the higher the chances that Santa will allow us to do this again.

We do want to thank everyone for being patient with us on the final day, our 3rd shift elves had too much cocoa, and somehow didn't notice the error with the final code. You guys were so quick to let us know something was wrong, and we really appreciate that. 

One last thing, what else do you guys want from us? Do you want more current events? Do you use the current events? Who likes the streaming page? Who likes all our social media information? Let us know!!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Day 12 Code for 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular

Day 12- Dec. 18!
Remember this code expires at midnight (Eastern Time) and that's the end of the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular!!

To learn more about this special DVD, The Drew Carey Project, Vol. 2 click here.

Stay connected with us on: 


6 lucky participants will also be randomly selected to get an extra surprise in their "stocking" - a Roku streaming stick! Which will come in handy since has a Roku channel, click here for channel information.

*No guarantee titles will arrive before Christmas! Be patient with our elves.

Limit 1 title per household. Limit 1 Roku winner per household. U.S. residents only. No purchase necessary. We cover shipping & handling. For full rules click here.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Day 11 Code for 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular

Day 11- Dec. 17!
Remember this code expires at midnight (Eastern Time) and a new code (for Day 12) will be issued shortly after.

To ensure you collect as many DVDs as possible, check back each day, and follow all our social media channels.

To learn more about this special DVD, Monkey Business click here.

Stay connected with us on: 


6 lucky participants will also be randomly selected to get an extra surprise in their "stocking" - a Roku streaming stick! Which will come in handy since has a Roku channel, click here for channel information.

*No guarantee titles will arrive before Christmas! Be patient with our elves.

Limit 1 title per household. Limit 1 Roku winner per household. U.S. residents only. No purchase necessary. We cover shipping & handling. For full rules click here.


We only have a few days left for the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular....

Make sure you share this giveaway with everyone you know...we're giving away a FREE DVD each day until December 18th!

All you need to do is check our social media pages or our News Blog (Which is right HERE, where you are now!) for the daily code - then jump over to our contest website, and enter the code.
These magical codes expire at midnight (Eastern Time).

Find the code on our News PageFacebookTwitterPinterest or Google+ 

We cover the shipping and handling. If you don't have an account....what are you waiting for? Creating one is easy and free. Click here to sign up now. You must have an active account to participate in this giveaway.


6 lucky participants will also be randomly selected to get an extra surprise in their "stocking" - a Roku streaming stick!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Day 10 Code for 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular

Day 10- Dec. 16!
Remember this code expires at midnight (Eastern Time) and a new code (for Day 11) will be issued shortly after.

To ensure you collect as many DVDs as possible, check back each day, and follow all our social media channels.

To learn more about this special DVD, Food Truck Roadblock click here.

Stay connected with us on: 


6 lucky participants will also be randomly selected to get an extra surprise in their "stocking" - a Roku streaming stick! Which will come in handy since has a Roku channel, click here for channel information.

*No guarantee titles will arrive before Christmas! Be patient with our elves.

Limit 1 title per household. Limit 1 Roku winner per household. U.S. residents only. No purchase necessary. We cover shipping & handling. For full rules click here.

The DVDs are coming, they're coming!

The elves at have been busy, sending out free DVDs! During the 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular, we’ve been giving away a special title every day, Dec. 7-18. Some people think doesn’t really give away free DVDs to U.S. educators, doesn’t really exist...but like Santa’s elves...we’re REAL! See for yourself...

From Dec 7 - Dec 18, we're giving away a different DVD title each day! You can collect one each day! But remember - each bit of holiday magic is only good for 24 hours and expires at midnight! (Eastern Time) So come back each day.

Find the code on our News PageFacebookTwitterPinterest or Google+ 

6 lucky participants will also be randomly selected to get an extra surprise in their "stocking" - a Roku streaming stick! Which will come in handy for's Roku channel! To learn more about our education channel click here.

*No guarantee titles will arrive before Christmas! Be patient with our elves!

Limit 1 title per household. Limit 1 Roku winner per household. U.S. residents only. No purchase necessary. We cover shipping & handling. For full rules click here.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Day 9 Code for 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular

Day 9- Dec. 15!
Remember this code expires at midnight (Eastern Time) and a new code (for Day 10) will be issued shortly after.

To ensure you collect as many DVDs as possible, check back each day, and follow all our social media channels.

To learn more about this special DVD, Recipe for Success click here.

Stay connected with us on: 


6 lucky participants will also be randomly selected to get an extra surprise in their "stocking" - a Roku streaming stick! Which will come in handy since has a Roku channel, click here for channel information.

*No guarantee titles will arrive before Christmas! Be patient with our elves.

Limit 1 title per household. Limit 1 Roku winner per household. U.S. residents only. No purchase necessary. We cover shipping & handling. For full rules click here.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Day 8 Code for 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular

Day 8- Dec. 14!
Remember this code expires at midnight (Eastern Time) and a new code (for Day 9) will be issued shortly after.

To ensure you collect as many DVDs as possible, check back each day, and follow all our social media channels.

To learn more about this special DVD, Pups of Liberty: The Boston Tea-Bone Party click here.

Stay connected with us on: 


6 lucky participants will also be randomly selected to get an extra surprise in their "stocking" - a Roku streaming stick! Which will come in handy since has a Roku channel, click here for channel information.

*No guarantee titles will arrive before Christmas! Be patient with our elves.

Limit 1 title per household. Limit 1 Roku winner per household. U.S. residents only. No purchase necessary. We cover shipping & handling. For full rules click here.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Day 7 Code for 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular

Day 7- Dec. 13!
Remember this code expires at midnight (Eastern Time) and a new code (for Day 8) will be issued shortly after.

To ensure you collect as many DVDs as possible, check back each day, and follow all our social media channels.

To learn more about this special DVD, Power to the Planet click here.

Stay connected with us on: 


6 lucky participants will also be randomly selected to get an extra surprise in their "stocking" - a Roku streaming stick! Which will come in handy since has a Roku channel, click here for channel information.

*No guarantee titles will arrive before Christmas! Be patient with our elves.

Limit 1 title per household. Limit 1 Roku winner per household. U.S. residents only. No purchase necessary. We cover shipping & handling. For full rules click here.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 6 Code for 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular

Day 6- Dec. 12!
Remember this code expires at midnight (Eastern Time) and a new code (for Day 7) will be issued shortly after.

To ensure you collect as many DVDs as possible, check back each day, and follow all our social media channels.

To learn more about this special DVD, Too Much Money click here.

Stay connected with us on: 


6 lucky participants will also be randomly selected to get an extra surprise in their "stocking" - a Roku streaming stick! Which will come in handy since has a Roku channel, click here for channel information.

*No guarantee titles will arrive before Christmas! Be patient with our elves.

Limit 1 title per household. Limit 1 Roku winner per household. U.S. residents only. No purchase necessary. We cover shipping & handling. For full rules click here.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Day 5 Code for 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular

Day 5- Dec. 11!
Remember this code expires at midnight (Eastern Time) and a new code (for Day 6) will be issued shortly after.

To ensure you collect as many DVDs as possible, check back each day, and follow all our social media channels.

To learn more about this special DVD, A World of Money click here.

Stay connected with us on: 


6 lucky participants will also be randomly selected to get an extra surprise in their "stocking" - a Roku streaming stick! Which will come in handy since has a Roku channel, click here for the channel information.

*No guarantee titles will arrive before Christmas! Be patient with our elves.

Limit 1 title per household. Limit 1 Roku winner per household. U.S. residents only. No purchase necessary. We cover shipping & handling. For full rules click here.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

4th Day of 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway Spectacular Code

Day 4 - Dec. 10!
Remember this code expires at midnight (Eastern Time) and a new code (for Day 5) will be issued shortly after.

To ensure you collect all 12 DVDs, check back each day, and follow all our social media channels.

To learn more about this special DVD, Bee the Change click here.

Stay connected with us on: 


6 lucky participants will also be randomly selected to get an extra surprise in their "stocking" - a Roku streaming stick! Which will come in handy since has a Roku channel, click here for the channel information.

*No guarantee titles will arrive before Christmas! Be patient with our elves.

Limit 1 title per household. Limit 1 Roku winner per household. U.S. residents only. No purchase necessary. We cover shipping & handling. For full rules click here.

Stop Copying Me - by Lindell Long

What's the saying? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. That may well be, but for students, copying without giving credit to the author is plagiarism.    

 Why do students plagiarize? With today’s technology, anything can be found on the internet with a few key strokes. No more using a card catalog, 

pulling dozens of books to find a sentence here, or a sentence there. Now, a student can find entire articles, even complete term papers, posted online. What took hours of research in the past now takes a mere few minutes. Some students don’t even bother to reword the article, choosing instead to cut and paste and be done. Of course, knowing our students, we recognize work that is not theirs. Asking a student to define a word in the article and he cannot is a sure clue.

There are many programs that are used in high schools such as “turn it in,” ”plagtracker,” and “plagiarism detect” and yet the student still turns in work as his own. We can attribute this trend in native English speakers as laziness, wanting to appear smarter than actuality, and/or the pursuit of a good grade, but what about the non-native-English speaker?

Why do ESOL students so frequently plagiarize? Often, they have no idea that they have done anything wrong. Unless it is thoroughly explained, students do not equate this action with cheating. In some cultures, copying someone else’s work is considered a sign of honoring the individual. Recognize this practice and then explain that within this culture where they currently live, doing so with writing is not acceptable. The first step to preventing plagiarism is to explain and demonstrate what constitutes the action.

 Most of the time, the ESOL student does not possess the vocabulary to express his thoughts, so he copies a passage that expresses his idea better than the student can. Providing necessary vocabulary and using frames will greatly help the student. Put examples of how a response can be worded and reworded to help the ESOL student. Having discussions about the subject is also very helpful. Write the thoughts on the board that the students have expressed. Seeing their words helps with vocabulary and spelling.  

Working in small groups is a safe alternative for students to express thoughts without feeling inadequate.

As students discuss possible wording, hand each group a small paragraph and ask them to list the important words in each paragraph. Practicing taking a paragraph apart and inserting their own words gives students the tools needed to paraphrase. Helping students build their own sentences and then paragraphs gives students a sense of accomplishment which will instill confidence to keep trying these methods. This will help them avoid plagiarism in the future.

Have you had issues with plagiarism in your classroom? How do you deal with it?

Lindell Long teaches ESOL at Clover Middle and High Schools in Clover, South Carolina, a position she’s held for the last 18 years. She’s married with 4 children and so many pets her family fears she’ll bring home a stray yak one day.

econlife - Who Will Sacrifice Civil Liberties During a Pandemic? by Elaine Schwartz

  In a new NBER paper, a group of Harvard and Stanford scholars investigated how much of our civil liberties we would trade for better heal...