Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Boston Time Capsule! Paul Revere & Pups of Liberty

As a history buff, I'm totally geeked about the time capsule they just opened in Boston. Originally sealed up on July 4, 1795, it contained silver coins smithed by Paul Revere, and then-Gov. Samuel Adams helped seal it up. There's also an engraved silver plate that reportedly still shows fingerprints.

How cool to think those might be Paul Revere's fingerprints!

There are two newspapers from the time period as well!

What a great current events tie-in to our Pups of Liberty:The Boston Tea-Bone Party DVD!  If you haven't seen this one, you're missing out on a really fun way to help your students learn American History. (You can get your copy from

Boston is an amazing place, rich with history, and this time capsule is a great reminder of that.

We'll be releasing another Pups DVD in the fall of 2015. The Dogclaration of Independence is sure to be a hit as well. Stay tuned so you don't miss it.

To read more about the Boston time capsule, read this article: MFA Opens the Paul Revere, Sam Adams Time Capsule. There's a video of the process as well.

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