Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Should I Use This Frame or That One? - by Lindell Long

How do you decide between two things? Usually you weigh the advantages and disadvantages of one over the other. In other words, you compare and contrast. Is this one better than the other, looks expensive, fits better, I look good in it, I can afford it, while this one looks cheap, makes me look fat, I look awful in it, I can't afford it. 

Students are often asked to compare and contrast findings on research, ideology, characters in a novel or historical incidents the list is extensive. An ESOL student may find this to be a daunting task. Sentence frames to the rescue!

By comparison it is ___(a good choice)__. 
They are similar because ____( both are from  Norway)________________.
Both are the same/different because ___(they are in the tropics).
The differences between ___(the antagonist)____ and the_(protagonist)__ are_(selfishness/ selflessness)_.
A distinction between ____(Kim)__ and __(Dave)___ might be ___(intelligence)___.
It is the __(big)-est of all of them.
They are different because ___(Ellie)__ is __(cautious) and _(Janie)__is _( a daredevil)_____.
Neither __(France_)___ nor__(Spain)___ have/contain/demonstrate/show ___(elephants)__.

Depending upon the subject and level of language acquisition, these frames can be expanded upon to make more complex sentences. Comparative vocabulary such as big, bigger, biggest can be taught prior and then worked into the frame. Once again, word banks may be added to help the student demonstrate understanding of the terms or simply supply the vocabulary necessary to complete the assignment.

Lindell Long teaches ESOL at Clover Middle and High Schools in Clover, South Carolina, a position she’s held for the last 18 years. She’s married with 4 children and so many pets her family fears she’ll bring home a stray yak one day.

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