Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Things to Discuss on the First Day of School by Mike Siekkinen

The first day of school is often a busy, scary and sometimes disorganized event, especially for new students (and teachers). Having a list of items to discuss with your students can help keep you organized and in control. Having a list also ensures that students will get the required information about school rules, times and class conduct. Here is my list for the first day. This can be modified to fit your individual circumstances. Hopefully you find this useful.
  • Gum/snacks/ food
  • Trash (where and when)
  • No clock (I don’t use one in my class)
  • Entering procedures/ exiting procedures
  • Lunch (time and prices)
  • Weekly schedule
  • Text books
  • Upcoming events
  • Cell phones
  • Field trips
  • Buses
  • Agendas and hall passes
  • Required supplies
  • Chromebook use/misuse
  • Fire drill procedures/ intruder drills
  • My desk/ your supplies
  • Classroom temp.
  • Substitute teachers (how to act)
  • Restroom breaks
  • Late work/ due dates
  • Class binders
  • Homework
  • Turning in work (where and how)

Dr. Mike Siekkinen, a retired U.S. Navy submariner, became a teacher as a second career. He teaches history at St Marys Middle School as well as Adult and Career Education at Valdosta State in Georgia.

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